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Counseling for Anxiety, Depression, Identity Therapy, and more


Anxiety can come in the many forms, such as stress anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, spiritual anxiety, general anxiety, and more. It can be difficult to go through the motions in life while holding tension in your body and mind. Anxiety does not have to be a constant in your life. Through scientifically proven anxiety management strategies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness practices, I will help you master how to manage challenging feelings, manage triggers, and get back to feeling in control, at ease, and uplifted.


Psychotherapy can help with dealing with underlying difficulties at home, work or in relationships due to the challenges that can come with managing depression. Using a solution-focused, evidence based, and skills driven approach, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness practices based on neuropsychology, I help clients who are experiencing grief or loss, struggling with relationships, or wishing to have more joy in their lives.

Identity Therapy

Understanding the want to have purpose and to find one’s self, whether it relates to deciding on a career path, navigating relationships in professional and personal settings, finding a balance in life or just to reconnect with yourself. I offer a safe space where you can face questions about your identity and learn to integrate the different ways your identity may affect your relationships and the lens you look at life through. With extensive experience working with people of all walks of life, I help clients in Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles area in a safe therapeutic space to feel more empowered, develop productive perspectives, and feel more equipped with utilizing their characterized strengths to live a more abundant life.  

Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy

Couples therapy practiced with research, education, and a willingness to grow will help in conflict management and creating positive shared experiences. Couples can expect to learn about how to replace negative patterns that lead to conflicts with positive interactions, and to repair past issues with a solution focused approach. By learning simple strategies couples can increase closeness, communication, and create changes towards their shared goals.

Emotional Wellbeing
Emotional Wellbeing

Contrary to antiquated stereotypes, you do not need to be experiencing a crisis or other challenges traditionally associated with mental health to benefit from therapy. "If only" is a very common phrase in mental health, such as "if only I saw the red flags sooner," or "if only I knew what was going on." Counseling can be helpful with developing interventions and creating strategies needed to prevent or mitigate challenges/issues. Counseling can help clients increase their self-awareness, increase protective factors, and develop new helpful perspectives and approaches for maintaining their emotional wellbeing. In my practice I offer a peaceful space and solution-focused approach for my clients who are interested in counseling with a focus on emotional wellbeing.

Online Therapy

Telehealth (telephone or video sessions) can be especially useful when the stay-at-home measures/recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic create safety concerns for in-office visits. Telehealth can also be helpful for people who struggle with a hectic schedule or scheduling conflicts, such as business owners/professionals, new parents, students, amongst others. Telehealth can also be a great option when LA traffic is heavily contributing to the stress and time it takes to commute to the office and back home, in addition to aggravating physical pain for those with chronic physical challenges. Online sessions are available for both individual and couples therapy. 

Contact Me

For any questions you have, you can reach me here:

Guide Therapy - Quote by Ralph Waldo Eme

Myda Nazaryan, LCSW



2600 West Olive Ave, Suite 500

Burbank, CA 91505 


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